
According to the internet, the best way to rid oneself of an “earworm” is to listen to the offending tune in question. I figure if listening might get rid of it, then writing up a whole ridiculous post about the song should force it right out of my head forever. This is the dream!

If nothing else, this gives me an excuse to write a little about music, and, also, possibly annoy others by infecting them with the same song.

Is This Just a Site Containing All of Your Favorite Songs?

NO! There’s a good chance I won’t like a song that I’ll post about. If I did only post about songs/bands I like, then you’d get a lot of R.E.M., Wilco, Spoon, St. Vincent, Courtney Barnett, and a million other things. As it stands, you’ll end up with a bunch of other stuff. I might like it. I might not. But, we’ll learn something pointless and stupid. Together. This is why the internet exists. This and cat videos.

When can i expect new posts?

I have no idea. One never knows when the next earworm will embed itself. It usually happens when you least expect it. Or something.

How did you make this fancy site?

Glad you asked! This site is built via the fantastic Hugo static-site generator. Hugo is written in Go and can spit out thousands of pages in seconds. This assumes you’ve written thousands of pages. This site has a number of pages, so you can imagine how fast it must render those. Posts are written in Markdown, run through Hugo, stored out to Git, then served up via Amazon S3 thanks to CI. With this many buzzwords, it has to be great. It’s a very complex (kidding) system and gives me a chance to work on my rusty tech skills.